Campaign highlights
- Over 3.4 million visits to the Rediscover video hub with 2.7 million video plays
- 100% growth in rediscover fan base from 1st phase of campaign
- Brand perceptions and Message Association increased amongst Buick’s target audience
Mobile App
A mobile application was produced and distributed in the app stores for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. The application aggregated trending location data from social sources such as Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare check-ins to act as divining rod of sorts for hot locations in given cities, as well as editorial content for each of the cities featured in the Rediscover series.
The soul of your favorite cities
Rediscover, presented by Buick was an original, branded entertainment series tailor made for a built-in audience of millions on MSN. Conceived as a variety travel show, in each city we visited, we assembled panels of four neighbors who were relative strangers from all walks of life and paired them up to explore each others’ favorite places and activities. The video series was renewed four times and was among the most successful branded entertainment efforts to date for Microsoft, connecting with audiences both at home and on the go.