The sizzle reel created to show the work was shot on my Sony Alpha 7 II and combined with the Mixed Reality Capture footage coming directly from the app running on Hololens. The intent being to show the experience from the user’s perspective inside the lens, and a third party observing from outside the lens. The video was a successful tool for socializing the technical proof of concept to the executive team charged with innovation at Home Depot.
Getting the shot list up front helped to move quickly to the camera, and subsequently to edit and motion with the period of just a few hours. The piece was conceived, written, edited and shipped in just one day with a two-person team and one “actor”/account guy. I envisioned and directed this shoot, with Mike McCoy running camera.
Home Depot: Holographic Home
Home Depot is always seeking way to better serve its customers and up level their in-store digital experiences. Conceived as as a proof of concept for their store of the future, our team at Pop helped to create a best in class room modeler on the Microsoft HoloLens to help boost customer confidence though a realistic, three-dimensional bathroom design tool. Once inside the HoloLens visor, customers are led by an expert designer who doubles as brand ambassador, and experience a configurable holographic room which can host thousands more options than available floor space would allow in physical display space.